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Sermon Discussion Questions

Bishop Bronner 

"The Issue of Blood"

John 7:1-5 NLT




1. Have you developed the discipline to share what has been deposited in you to
Bless others? Share an example of this in your life. What have you learned from
the experience?

2. Has there been a time that a close friend or family member really hurt you?
Have you grown to a point where you can or have forgiven that person?
How does it feel?

3. If you live in a blended family, is there a basic tension that comes with it?
If so, how have you learned to deal with the tension?
Through time did God show you all the way live in peace and thrive?

4. Have you ever been in so much pain that you turned to pleasure to dull it?
Share with the group how that felt?  What can you share with your group that could help them in that situation?

5. Share with your group if you have developed friendships that are actually closer
than blood family? How did these friendships develop? How long did it take for
you to know that these friends were heaven sent?


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